Link to the WooCommerce guide:
Recent Products
Lists recent products – useful on the homepage. The ‘per_page’ shortcode determines how
many products to show on the page and the columns attribute controls how many columns
wide the products should be before wrapping.
[recent_products limit="4" columns="4"]
Featured Products (no products set)
Works the same as recent products but displays products that have been set as “featured.” In
this example, the shortcode is saying: Show 12 featured products in 4 columns.
[featured_products limit="4" columns="4"]
Newest Products
We want to display the newest products first – four products across one row. To accomplish this, we’ll use the Post ID (which increases incrementally with new posts, and is generated when the product page is created), along with the order and orderby command. Since you can’t see the Post ID from the frontend, the ID#s have been superimposed over the images.
[products limit="4" columns="4" orderby="id" order="DESC" visibility="visible"]
Sale Products
List all products on sale.
[sale_products limit="4"]
Best-Selling Products
List best-selling products on sale.
[best_selling_products limit="4"]
Specific Products
Show multiple products by ID or SKU. Make note of the plural ‘products.’
[products skus="M0B5AB990B, MC32B861D0, ME452881AG, M51EE6277E" limit="4" orderby="date" order="desc"]
Product Category
Show multiple products in a category by slug.
[product_category category="5-nl-natuur-geneeskunde" limit="4"]
Product Categories
It’s also possible to not just display products. You can show categories too. If you want to create a page to list all of your product categories, it’s really easy.
[product_categories parent="0"]
Specific Categories
You can use a different shortcode to do this. It’s the same basic structure as the other shortcodes in WooCommerce. You list the category ids, separated by commas.
[product_categories parent="0"]